Sunday, 13 February 2011

The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine

It is simple, light and airy,
And the life and light of Home.
Formed by some ingenious fairy,
Or the enchantment of a gnome;
'Tis the Finest; ne'er erratic,
And it's built to please the queen,
The smooth running automatic
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine

'Tis the sum of human Science,
Not the product of wild dreams;
It has gained the world's reliance
For it is just what it seams,
Others go unto the attic
With the old things which "have been',
No equal has the automatic
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine

How it goes! Goes without saying
At the lightest touch of foot;
Sewing with it is like playing,
And its stitch is bound to suit;
Womens' praises grow emphatic
When its way and work are seen;
Naught is like the automatic
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine

'Tis the 20th Century treasure
And it always at the fore;
'Tis a beauty and a pleasure,
It does everything--and more.
All who have it are ecstatic
And their hearts they'll never wean
From the charming automatic
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine
